Angelique Auguste dit Marquis

Angélique Auguste dit Marquis has been working in and with organizations in Germany and Europe for twenty years.

  • In various sales and service roles (including as a product manager, in strategy development, and as a department head in B2B pre-sales) at a German DAX IT telecommunications company, she has overseen and been responsible for complex change processes and various organizational developments alongside her operational responsibilities.

  • Later, in her roles as a consultant and coach, she has supported numerous clients primarily from the B2B market environment in their further development (e.g., digitalization of processes and organizations, customer-centricity of service organizations, support for post-merger integration, restructuring, and operational excellence projects). In these contexts, the aspects of strategy development, leadership development, cooperation, and communication have been particularly relevant in addition to the further development of organizational structures and processes.

  • In these various roles, she has experienced what transformations in and for organizations really mean, what paradigms and challenges can arise for corporate governance and on a human level during transition and evolution phases, and how crucial it is for the leadership team to shape the journey and mobilize the team.

Her passion for customer- and market-oriented organizational development and transformation, combined with her enthusiasm for human development and interaction, runs like a common thread throughout her professional life.

Angélique was born and raised in France, studied in France and England, and has lived in Germany since the beginning of her professional career. She now resides in the Bonn region with her family. She works in German, English, and French.

Focus areas:

  • Executive Search and On-Boarding Coaching
  • Transformation Consulting and Coaching:
    • Transformations and further development of organizations (structures, processes, leadership, teams, culture)
    • Initiation, design, and implementation support of transformations
  • Leadership development and coaching

Example topics and methods:

  • Transformative, servant, human-centric leadership
  • Customer-, user-centric attitude and organization, including design thinking
  • Digital and agile transformation, post-merger integration, operational excellence
  • Neuroscience, various change frameworks
  • Diverse dialogue and co-development intervention formats
  • Systemic and awareness-based approach

Focus areas:

  • Technology & Telecoms

Interview with Angelique Auguste dit Marquis

In recent years, you have supported companies in their further development with transformation consulting. How can this experience be channelled into executive search and leadership development?

Angelique Auguste dit Marquis: “Accompanying transformations has become part of everyday life for managers in order to actively react to the speed and complexity of market changes and technological developments. This ability has become a “must-have” in many functions today. I would even go further and say that this ability has become an important lever in organisations for the success of corporate development. I also see that it can be developed further in many cases. Managers can be strengthened to master challenges for their organisations and to take their employees and teams with them on this journey and into new working environments. Taking these skills into account when filling new positions or setting up complementary leadership development measures can therefore be very valuable for both companies and candidates.”

What do you mean by transformation?

Angelique Auguste dit Marquis: “Transformation is very often nothing more than the natural evolution that is inherent in every system or individual. I understand the process of activating, promoting and unfolding this energy in order to achieve the company’s development goals as the transformation task.

There is sometimes a long way between sensing or knowing that something should change and then actually doing it. In our complex world, this path is often not definable from the outset. Transformation means embarking on a journey with the organisation, the system and the team in order to get closer to your intention and develop further together. At the same time, the day-to-day business must continue to be managed successfully. The art is to design the right orchestration in this context, e.g. to plan the right approach or interventions at the right time or the type and intensity of involvement of those involved.”

In your opinion, what is a sensible approach for transformation processes?

Angelique Auguste dit Marquis: “A good assessment of what stage the organisation or ecosystem is at along the way, e.g. what stage of maturity a vision is at, who is already involved and how, what familiarity and culture for change is in place, are important first steps. The next stage is to sensitively recognise in the situation which approach appears to be promising in order to achieve the intention, combined with pragmatic and entrepreneurial action.

In addition, creating a suitable and appropriate framework for genuine dialogue and co-creation, where appropriate, is crucial. In general, a “step-by-step” approach from the awareness stage to implementation is usually the golden path.

Often, all the necessary resources are available to solve a problem or organise further developments. Focusing energy on creating a sober and realistic perception of the company and market reality, a suitable space / framework for the development of collective intelligence, are influential success factors. This is what I have been focussing on for the last few years.”

How can executive coaching help?

Angelique Auguste dit Marquis: “For companies, it can be a useful, complementary development measure. For the participants, coaching is an opportunity to deepen a situation in a safe environment, to illuminate options, where new perspectives and further impulses can emerge that feel coherent.

In order to keep up with the speed and complexity of our ecosystems and organisations and to be able to make decisions, space for inner clarity, strength and focus is very important. Coaching can provide part of this space or restore it.

In addition, coaching can enhance self-reflection and (self-)awareness or focus on specific strength building.”

You are French and have lived in Germany for a long time? How does this experience shape your work today and what would you recommend to people going through similar experiences today

Angelique Auguste dit Marquis: “My interculturality and the way I got there through my Franco-German background certainly sharpened my senses for listening and changing perspectives and strengthened my ability to adapt.

At the same time, it also took courage and perseverance at times, as long as I didn’t speak the language.

There would be a lot to say about recommendations. If I take out two:

  • I would recommend everyone to take sufficient time at the beginning of a stay to master the language of the social environment. Our brain needs relationships, exchange, self-efficacy in a social context. It helps immensely if you have a good language base.
  • At the same time, it is important to stay connected to your roots and cultural base. Integrating all parts of yourself is sometimes a balancing act, but it’s worth it.”